Friday, August 13, 2010

::::::::: Night of European Songs 歐風之夜 :::::::::

::::::::: Night of European Songs 歐風之夜 :::::::::

Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 9:00 PM at Sappho,
B1, No. 1, Lane 102, An-He Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei
Tel: 2700-5411

Faubourg 116 (法步一一六) [10:30 PM]

& Kaa singt Mich (卡 自吟) [9:30 PM]


Faubourg 116 (法步一一六)

Discover the beauty of French Chansons!

Faubourg is the French word for suburbia, and 116 is the postal code of the Wenshan District in Taipei, where Lio and Kaa, the founding members of the group, live.

Faubourg 116 is a trio with vocals and guitar, accordion, and double-bass. Singer Kaa (aka saxophonist Klaus Bru), while he sings in French, is German, American bassist Brian Alexander comes from Tampa, Florida, and French accordionist Lio Pinard grew up in Paris. Three different nationalities, three experienced musicians, diverse musical backgrounds, and a common love for the beautiful melodies of French chansons with all their passion, humor, melancholy, and romance.
Faubourg 116是由人聲、吉他、手風琴與低音提琴所組成的三人樂團。主唱法文歌曲的吉他手 --Kaa其實來自於德國 (另一身份是蕯克斯風手Klaus Bru),貝斯手Brian Alexander來自美國佛羅里達,惟一的法藉團員 --Lio Pinard則是在巴黎長大的手風琴家。來自不同的國度、背景素養各異,三名樂人同樣地被法國香頌的優雅旋律觸動,為著人們總能在曲中瞥見自己的故事-- 無論曲中呢喃輕訴的是人生的痴狂、幽默、憂鬱還是浪漫。

Faubourg 116’s core program consists of classic and recent songs by the crème de la crème of French singers and songwriters: Charles Aznavour, Gilbert Bécaud, Jacques Brel, Julien Clerc, Joe Dassin, Jacques Dutronc, Serge Gainsbourg, and many more.
Faubourg 116的演出曲目皆為一時之選,以當紅的法國歌手及作曲家之作品為主,包含: Charles Aznavour, Gilbert Bécaud, Jacques Brel, Julien Clerc, Joe Dassin, Jacques Dutronc, Serge Gainsbourg等等。

With lead singer Kaa on soprano saxophone, Faubourg 116 will also play some French instrumental music, notably Musette (accordion music) and Tango.

Kaa singt Mich (卡 自吟)

As the opener of the evening (21:30!), Kaa performs some of the songs he has written for the hero of his upcoming novel. In German!
作為21:30的暖場秀,Kaa特地獻出私房音樂 –那是他為了即將問世的小說的男主角所創作的德文歌!

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